This post was last updated on February 19th, 2024 at 04:22 pm.
What is IconCMO+?
IconCMO+ is a specialized version of our flagship IconCMO package. It allows an organization to view approved information from multiple churches. District offices use it to monitor the health of all their churches; they can easily decipher which churches need help and which churches are flourishing. Many parishes use it to manage multi-site churches.
What’s New?
Previously, IconCMO+ did not have the ability to track donations that were given directly to the district or head office. Many of our customers at district or head offices have requested that we add this capability to the system.
We are excited to announce that IconCMO+ now offers the ability to manage organizations, people, groups and donations at the district office level!
Here’s the Complete List of New Features:
- List any and all organizations you want to track.
- List individuals who interact with the head office (e.g. pastors, special donors, lay leaders).
- Retain pertinent information about individuals (e.g. birthdates, ordained dates).
- Easily communicate and manage lists by grouping churches and other organizations together.
- Manage individual groups.
- Create pastoral rosters.
- Record donations and supply giving records back to churches and individuals for tax purposes.

IconCMO+ meets all of your district or head office needs and is a great way to monitor the health of your entire organization.
Learn more about IconCMO+ at
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