This post was last updated on July 19th, 2024 at 11:46 am.

Icon Systems announces Software API’s for IconCMO
Icon Systems has released the church software API’s (Application Programmer’s Interface) for IconCMO. Churches, developers, and strategic partners can interact with the data in the church’s database. Just to name a few scenarios:
- website integration for online calendars,
- online directories,
- e-mail marketing integration,
- event registration,
- custom reports,
- mobile integration, and so on.
An API runs silently in the background. They are completely invisible to software users. Their primary role is to provide a channel for applications to work with each other to make sure the user gets the required functionality and information.
In depth look at the API’s
The church may want to upload their church member’s emails to an emailing platform like Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, or others. The API’s allow this integration so you don’t have to download the data to Excel. Then upload the Excel data into the emailing database.
For the Church – you can now integrate a church directory or calendar of events directly into your website from information stored in IconCMO. You can also ask developers of other companies to use web services to integrate with IconCMO.
For the Developer – you can now create custom functionality from information stored in IconCMO. Please see the new Tools & Services-> Developer Center menu item for all the information you will need to develop software solutions around IconCMO’s web services.
President Bill Gifford Icon Systems, Inc.To find out more please visit Icon Systems. Visit Icon Systems.
Photo Credit: Broad Iron Chain by Toni Lozano
License: CC BY 2.0 DEED
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