An excellent blog post about email marketing and the importance of testing. Using a simple example they show you what should be thought about so your user/readers will enjoy getting emails from you and will act on them. Read the full blog post!
cloud computing
Website Event Calendar Enhancement
For churches interested in linking the church’s website calendar to IconCMO church software so your members have an event calendar to view. It now has 15 minute increments instead of 30 minutes. We made this adjustment to better serve churches and the various different ministries that start at the quarter hours. This change will also… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Finding the Right Church Software For Your Church
Finding the Right Church Software? Creating quality software can be a very difficult process. Especially since everyone’s opinion on what makes quality software will vary. Quality software can be categorized in a variety of ways such as: Easy to use, flexible, to feature rich applications. What are the advantages of each? How do these categories… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Church Accounting Software Reviewed
Was your accounting software reviewed by an outside CPA firm? … ⪼ Continue Reading…
SaaS Technology for Church Software
Explaining what SaaS means and rebuking the common definition of SaaS… ⪼ Continue Reading…